Self-determination theory; Richard M. Ryan
Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation: the search for optimal motivation and performance; Carol Sansone & Judith M. Harackiewizc
Range, Why generalists triumph in a specialized world; David Epstein
Bold; Peter Diamandis
The art of impossible; Steven Kotler
Team Human; Douglas Rushkoff
Start with why; Simon Sinek
Find your why; Simon Sinek
Strategische inzichten - World Economic Forum
The five dimensional curiosity scale
Undermining children’s intrinsic interest with extrinsic reward
Autotelic personality through a five factor lens
Dit zijn de 17 Sustainable Development Goals
What to do if you can’t find your passion
The psychology and neuroscience of curiosity
The five-dimensional curiosity scale
The emerging neuroscience of intrinsic motivation: a new frontier in self-determination research